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Does the incident fit into any of the following manditory incident categories?
Upload additional information

DECLARATION by the person completing the incident report

I declare that the information I have given is true and correct.

Thank you for completing this employee injury report. When you click the submit button below, it will automatically be sent to an AABDS Director for review, investigation and possible further mandatory reporting. Please leave the section below to be completed as part of this follow up. 

Thanks for submitting!

The following section is to be completed by AABDS Management. 

Does further investigation need to be completed?
Does this incident need to be reported to the NDIS Commission?
Does this incident need to be reported to any other authority?
Did the employe return to work after the injury
Does a risk assessment need to be completed?
Can this incident be finalised and added to the Employee Injury register?

Employee Injury Form

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